현덕사 여름템풀스테이 프로그램(8월) 사찰명 (도시명) | 현덕사(강릉) | 홈페이지 | www.hyundeoksa.or.kr | 접수방법 | 홈페이지, 전화 | 이메일: hj569@hanmail.net | 전화번호 | 033-661-5878 | 시작 | 종료 | 기간 | 프로그램명 | 주요프로그램 | 참가비 | 인원 | 비고 | 8/6 | 8/8 | 3 | 황토돛배3 | 참선, 발우공양, 경포요트체험, 해상활동, 전통음식만들기, 트래킹(철갑령) | 12만원 | 36명 | 내외국인 | 8/9 | 8/15 | 7 | 황토돛배4 | Mobile English Camp(Buddhist Cultural Heritage & Outdoor Activities) in the Beach with Foreigners | 40만원 | 40명 | 초.중학생 외국인 | 8/13 | 8/15 | 3 | 황토돛배5 | Yellow Sailing Boat5(황토돛배5) 참선, 바닷가 걷기 및 참선, 동해연안 명상크루즈 체험Cruise Meditation Travel in the East Sea | 15만원 | 24명 | 내외국인 |
Hyundeoksa Summer Templestay Program Temple (City) | Hyundeoksa(Gangnung) | Home page | www.hyundeoksa.or.kr | Application | Homepage, Telephone | E-mail: hj569@hanmail.net | Tel. No. | 033-661-5878 | Fron | To | Period | Program | Main Activities | Fee(Won) | Total number | Remarks | 8/6 | 8/8 | 3 | Yellow Sailing Boat3 Enjoying, Loving & Meditating East Sea in Korea!! | Seon Meditation, Buddhist Meal with Traditional Bowls, Making traditional Korean Food, Tracking(Cheolgabreong) | 120,000 | 36 | Domestic & Foreigner | 8/9 | 8/15 | 7 | Yellow Sailing Boat4 Enjoying, Loving & Meditating East Sea in Korea!! | Mobile English Camp(Buddhist Cultural Heritage & Outdoor Activities) in the Beach with Foreigners | 400,000 | 40 | Children & Foreigner | 8/13 | 8/15 | 3 | Yellow Sailing Boat5 | Cruise Meditation Travel in the East Sea | 150,000 | 24 | Domestic & Foreigner |