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작성자Sadry Reza
등록일2012년 12월 09일 (11:30)조회수조회수 : 3,067
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We entered to the temple in a cold winter day, before, we had no idea, just thinking to go to the scared place. when we arrived , two dogs barked and welcomed us, during the first seconds, heavy wind and sound of dogs was annoying but suddenly the shiny smile of the kind women showed up to us with a big positive energy, and removed all of our bad feelings, then we found ourselves in a warm place with a delicious tea, from that moment on, we could not feel the cold weather, they gave us warm, similar and simple clothes and we started our temple stay programme with beautiful speech from senium and then bows, at first we thought it was just an exercise but after a while, we became paralyzed; since our mind went to the other place, to the imagination, and the perfume of that scared place made a better place for our imaginations and wishes, we bowed a lot in a long time but without any bad feelings.

If some one asks us where we had the best vegetarian food, we will answer " in the temple", especially in that warm place with warm hearted chefs.

Now, it is 9 pm. all of the participants are gathering, talking and asking different questions about different things from two kind seunims and they answered, any way we want to join them in their discussions and hope to have more expediencies tomorrow.

Thank you so much! Kamsamnhida!



Reza and Sadry

심상희 | 12/12/15 08:47
Dear Sadry and Reza
How are you? I missed you .
It was good templestay, me too.
12/12/15 08:47
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